
Top Tips

A 2% deficit in hydration results in the reduction of physical and mental capability by between 4 – 8%; if the deficit increases to 4% productivity can deteriorate by between 20 – 30%; at 5% physical symptoms such as headaches become prevalent and if 10%plus, then dehydration can lead to serious health conditions. Stay hydrated by grazing on fluid through the day.

If you have a sedentary job and find yourself sitting for long periods of time, your spine, in particular your thoracic spine, will start to stiffen up. It is important to consider getting up and moving on a regular basis.

One of the most effective ways to reset emotionally is by taking a few deep breaths. There are lots of different patterns you can try but one that we like is simply breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds and out for 7 seconds. Breathing is a skill so make sure you don’t tighten up around your shoulders on the in-breath; try and ensure that the air gets to the base of your lungs – this is called diaphragmatic breathing.

If you find that the day is taking control of you rather than you being in control of the day, it is important to reset your focus. Instead of thinking about the big picture, ask yourself what would be the best thing to do in the next half an hour? What is it that will allow you to say you have won the last thirty minutes? You are now starting to take back control.

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I am not an expert on motorsport, however occasionally I will watch a Formula 1 race.  The cars whizz round the track at ridiculous speeds and then every

“Every sunset is an opportunity to reset”
Richie Norton

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